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Global Engagement Colleague Spotlight

November, 2023

Photo of Dr. Gill Abir

Gill Abir

An expert in global obstetric health, Dr. Abir has a rich history of addressing inequities in healthcare access and quality of care both here and globally. We are grateful for her tireless advocacy and to call her a colleague!

What is your current title and capacity within our Department?

Clinical Professor, Associate Division Chief and Clinical Director, Division of Obstetric Anesthesiology and Maternal Health

What are your academic and/or research interests?

My interests include: multidisciplinary obstetric simulation and outreach; patient safety and clinical systems; multidisciplinary cognitive aids for the obstetric arena; global health; disaster preparedness for obstetric patients.

Where did you grow up?

York, United Kingdom

How do you think your upbringing influenced your world view? (culture, religion, geography, economics, other factors)?

I was brought up in a happy middle-class family environment with parents who always ‘gave back’ and so this influenced into me also wanting to ‘give back’ as I was always aware of people who were less fortunate than myself. Prior to going to medical school I had a gap year and volunteered in an orphanage in Romania and since graduating I have been involved with a charity called Kybele Inc. which is a non-profit organization that supports safe childbirth globally through education and training.

How is healthcare different in other countries where you have lived/visited/worked?

In Armenia, Serbia, and Bosnia they have low resources but they manage very well with what they do have and are open to receiving education and training from ‘the West’.

How do you think we can improve the care of our patients in the USA?

Scrap health insurance! Be more resourceful and always use evidence-based medicine and don’t order unnecessary tests. Use an anesthesia room adjacent to an OR (UK model).

How does a global perspective strengthen the care of patients?

It makes you appreciate all the resources that are at our finger tips and it also makes you less wasteful. 

How have your unique insights and experiences along your journey informed your work and career?

All my global health work has been with the Kybele Inc. charity and the focus is to teach (not to do) so that local champions can become proficient and continue the teaching and training. This method brings great satisfaction as each time I return I can see so much improvement.

What has been your most challenging or surprising lesson learned when engaging with other cultures? 

The levels of hierarchy that remain within certain countries and cultures. 

What has been the most amazing thing you have seen while traveling to another country?

People’s hunger for knowledge. Local champions leading the way for future generations. 

Please share any final thoughts, stories, ideas, and recommendations you would like included.

Kybele Worldwide – Donations are always appreciated!